About us

It all started with having to bring wine to dinners with friends.

I worked for a winery for several years, and during that time, I was expected to bring the wine whenever our group of friends met for dinner. Some wines did better than others, but none were liked by all. I wondered whether a wine that we all liked, which won unanimous approval, could possibly exist. The answer is no (thankfully, we all have our own tastes).
What I could do was ask my friends what kind of wine they liked best and why. So we tried a lot of wines with a lot of friends (getting treated to a glass of wine – or several – always goes down well). Thanks to them, and a million questions later, we came up with the ideal wine formula.
We didn’t want a label that talked about the history of the grapes, the wine’s provenance, or what food to pair with it. We didn’t want to contribute to the notion that wine is for connoisseurs, because we’re firm believers that you can enjoy wine without being an expert. We want wine to be what it has always been – a conduit of good moments and good conversations. So what if, instead of talking about the wine, we suggested good topics of conversation to be discussed around the table? We were certain it would lead to interesting conversations, and we’d be less wrapped up in our phones. It would be like a round table of good conversations with good wine.
And that’s how Round Table came to be.
You can read more about it our Metal Magazine interview.